

This blog is for informational and cathartic purposes only, not unlike group therapy. I am offering my advice based on my own personal experiences. I am not an expert in this field, nor am I a licensed professional.

We all experience things differently and each of our experiences is valid, which is why having an individual therapist is so important for our mental health.

Before making any life changes based on these articles, I urge you to discuss them with your professional team (or at least a person you would trust with your wellbeing) to ensure it's the right thing for you and the right time to try it.

As with most things, one size does not fit all, and the right timing is everything.

Trigger Warnings

Our collective mental health is my first priority on this blog. I urge you to refrain from reading any content labeled with warnings you believe have the potential to trigger you. For articles with multiple warnings listed, I will endeavor to include a short summary free of trigger content which will be linked near the article.